Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Capitalism appears to be an engine for inequality"

I heard an interesting interview with Joshua Cooper Ramo on the Diane Rehm Show (link to real player audio at the site).

Ramo is the author of The Age of the Unthinkable: Why the New World Disorder Constantly Surprises Us and What We can Do About It (video essay about the book and first chapter posted).

Also, here is a video of his appearance on the Charlie Rose show. It should be noted that Ramo is employed by Kissinger Associates - yes, that Henry Kissinger. So, take that for what you will.

I agree we are in a state of change (and not just the Obama/campaign rhetoric). Our leaders need to emerge from the era when their political and intellectual capacities formed (mid-20th century) and either re-think everything or step aside to allow for new leadership. Our global society is moving so fast and if we don't do anything to help anticipate changes we continue to lose opportunities to improve the lives of people around the globe, enforce the rule of law, and protect the environment.

I think we are in a time that could go in one of two ways: a second Age of Enlightenment or a second Dark Ages. To avoid the latter, we must get back in touch with the principles that underlie who we are as a democracy/civilized nation and what we can do to influence countries around the world to follow our lead.

If we forget what freedom, liberty, and equality should mean in our own society we are powerless to stop violations here and beyond. I, for one, don't want to see America turn into a cesspit and we have to do what we can to stop other countries from devolving into one (through influence or otherwise).

For example, why in 2009 is there a huge market in selling women and children into sexual slavery? This is one example, and there are many. But I think we are in a time where we could restore whatever has been lost from humanity that created these problems. But it requires real leadership - not people controlled by corporate interests and held captive by capitalism.

If that's socialist, so be it. I don't care about the labels; those are for talking heads who hate America.

1 comment:

Amber said...

How it is that you have time to be fucking brilliant and completely and totally articulate in the throes of finals is beyond me. You never cease to impress me with your brain, thoughtfulness, and ability to stay commie pinko in the face of the utter non-diversity adversity of law school. If I were a boy I would marry you, just to hear you think all day long. But since I'm not, I'm happy I have this blog to eavesdrop on the gray matter.

Miss you millions, my love. Thanks for all the brain food links.