Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Peets - the new Starbucks? Please say no.

I'm on the Peet's email list because (1) I'm a freak and (2) I'm always wondering when I might place an order to have shipped to me.

Today I got an email about a new product line: bottled teas they are selling in select stores:

I know things can't stay the same forever, and they probably shouldn't, but I remember when I worked there forever ago (1996-1997) the menu was still in Italian and we never used fake flavoring. It was all natch to the point that we had to hand-mix chocolate syrup (from ground cocoa powder) that was barely sweet at all. It was important never to serve super-sweet drinks.

People were ridiculous and pretentious about the coffee and the tea, but in my opinion they totally deserved to be. I'm still a loyal Peet's fan... just worried my precious Peet's may go the way of the bottled frappuccino.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uh, yup, cuz they're gonna start selling flavored coffee with Godiva in the Fall!!