Franky striking a pose
Originally uploaded by Bextravagant.
Here is my first blog entry and a picture of my cat, Franky. He is a beauty and I will surely be sharing more pics of him. He is about to turn two years next month and he was probably about 1 year old in the photo. He's such a love.
Hi Auntie Bexy,
I would love to maul Franky like I do Vlad. I like to tug on his ears and pull his tail.
Thank you for the link to The Dex Files, I'll be sure to add Bextravagant to our list!
I like your new blog! I hope you keep it up and post often because I miss you!
PS - Now you need to comment on my blog!
Hey Baby D! Thanks for visiting!
I think my little guy Franky would be terrified of you, but I hope you can meet him one of these days!
Btw, you are 'dextravagant'! I can't wait to celebrate your birthday next month! XO!
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