Friday, March 14, 2008

Spring Break in the VTA

I've been in Ventura ("VTA") this week... mostly been studying (read: catching up on my reading) but I was able to have some fun while I've been here.

On Wednesday night I went to a lovely dinner at The Gardens on Glendon in Westwood before heading to see Angelique Kidjo perform at Royce Hall on the UCLA campus. She was great and had everybody out of their seats... she is amazing! BTW, Royce Hall was beautiful. I really have not spent much time at all on the UCLA campus and really found it to be gorgeous!

I also loved the opening band, Dengue Fever. They are an L.A. band and the singer is originally from Cambodia and occasionally sings in her native language (Khmer? Cambodian?). I really liked them... they are like a 60s pop band with hints of Jane's Addiction and Death in Vegas... very odd but oddly familiar at the same time.

I really liked this song (more impressive live methinks):

1 comment:

Amber said...

oh my god, jealous. I adore Angelique Kidjo! There's one album in particular, Agolo, that I just love love love. And Dengue fever have some great stuff playing on KCRW. How totally fun!

Thank goodness for some good relaxing fun time in the midst of the powertrain of law school, right?

Wow, it's really only a few more months and your 1L will be over. crazy!!!