With a big Scalia-like "get over it" schmuckness, Heath and his lovely wife (pictured below) named their son Adolph Hitler Campbell. They are dismayed that their local Shoprite wouldn't write "Happy Birthday Adolph Hitler" on little Adolph's birthday cake - how dare that store deny the joy and happiness that comes from seeing those words in icing!
Congrats Heath! You are about as douchebagalicious as they come! If you really wanted to prove a point, you should've legally changed your name to Adolph Hitler, rather than subjecting your son to a life of ridicule. Nice work!
PS: Not sure how such an attractive child came out of those two parents, but whatevs.

One of those is a dude?
following up: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28655143/?GT1=43001
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