Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pirkle Jones, 1914 - 2009

Pirkle Jones was not as famous as Ansel Adams or Dorothea Lange, but he was just as good. From the San Francisco Chronicle:
Pirkle Jones, a San Francisco photographer whose wide-ranging work focused on everything from pastoral California landscapes to the Black Panthers, grape pickers and foggy cityscapes, died Sunday of heart failure in San Rafael. He was 95.

A genial and spirited man who taught for 28 years at the San Francisco Art Institute, Mr. Jones developed his mastery of black and white photography in the late 1940s, studying with Ansel Adams and Minor White at the California School of Fine Arts, which became the Art Institute. He was part of the modernist milieu that included Adams, White, Edward Weston and Dorothea Lange.
Here and here you can find more info and some of his photographs.

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