Monday, June 1, 2009

Happy June!

Summer is here (it's 100+ degrees daily now) and it's looking to be a good one.

I finished all five seasons of The Wire and plan to go back and re-watch them again. If you haven't seen The Wire, check out this video with the show's creator, David Simon. They show some clips from the show but nothing too revealing plot-wise.

Since finishing The Wire, I started reading the Harry Potter series (2 down, 5 to go) and watching True Blood - which I already love. Wowsa, vampires are HOT. I can almost tolerate the Southern accents because this show is already so good (I've only seen 2 episodes).

Today is the first installment of the David Lynch Interview Project, an online video series with new episodes released every three days for a year.

Last but not least, I'm going to start writing about places to chow in Phoenix (since I can't talk about my job, other than saying that I love it, which I do). Such post forthcoming!


Carla said...

Love it! I've read all the Sookie books and have been waiting patiently for True Blood on Netflix! On the way to Maui, I paid $2 to watch the first episode on my little in seat monitor and kept freaking out and covering up the screen since I had Boone sitting right next to me! Yowsa! The books were great but not nearly so HOT as the show. Can't wait for the rest!

Unknown said...

If you watched the Wire, will you please check out Homicide: Life on the Streets? Pretty please? I LOVE Homicide LOS and got Suzie hooked. It preceded the Wire and takes place in Baltimore. The show was way ahead of it's time. First 3 seasons or so are great beyond belief.
