Yesterday my sister and I headed to LACMA to see the exhibition Dali: Painting and Film. It was a great show... his most famous painting, The Persistence of Memory, even made an appearance:

The show was a mix of film and paintings - throughout the exhibit films made by or about Dali were being screened. They also showed some clips from Spellbound, a Hitchcock film that included dream sequences created by Dali.
As my sister and I roamed through the exhibit, we came across Melancholy, and as we tried to get a better look (there were quite a few people huddling around the painting), my sister noticed that one of the people checking out the painting was an actor... she thought he was Henry Thomas, but he was actually Lukas Haas.
As she and I tried to get a better look at him, leaning forward toward him, guess who we realized was standing directly in front of us? Leonardo DiCaprio! Holy crap! He turns around, kind of looks at me and Sami with our mouths agape, and then quickly makes an exit.
Two things surprised me about him: 1) He is tall - at least taller than I expected him to be. I think he's somewhere between 5' 10" or 6'; and 2) he's hot - the scruff, the baseball cap - yeah, he's hot. Way hotter in person than in photos and whatnot.
Yay L.A.!
Oh my gosh that's awesome! I'm crazy about seeing Hollywood Stars, and Leo - he's a big one! I only wish you or Sam had said something ridiculious to him to make it memorable for him - like "Aren't you that guy who dates an extrememly skinny model and was in the Titanic" - obnoxious like that! But the 2 of you with your mouths wide open was probably enough for him! Too funny!
If only we could think that fast. We were standing there, both shocked, grabbing each other's arm - trying to make sure the other one saw him too. Too funny and sooo not playing it cool.
I'm still remembering what it was like to look up (not straight ahead!) and see his face, his scruffiness, the baseball cap. Nice.
Leonardo Di Caprio has become noticeably handsomer as he ages, especially now that he doesn't look like he's, you know, TWELVE anymore. So yeah, I can understand the Hot Factor.
I think that it's best that you didn't say anything to him. Even celebrities have a right to look at art like anyone else. But yeah, I would have had my mouth agape, too! ;-)
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