Monday, November 3, 2008

Hope this is true


Amber said...

Did you hear about this?

Luckily there are women like this to counter the dark side:

The whole thing is insane. Also insane? That batshit crazy ladies like the refuser who says things like "Obama's scary" get to have their Joe-the-Plumber fifteen minutes. I hope Warhol is rolling in, not cheering from, his grave. Feh.

Also? I hear Joe the effing plumber is planning on running for congress? AHHH!

attitune said...

The video of this lovely woman is here on YouTube:

Tuesday is going to be one heck of a day. Why can't we all take the day off work?

Bexy said...

I did hear about Joe the tax-evading, unlicensed "plumber" running for Congress via the Daily Show. Oh the horror.