Tuesday, December 4, 2007

So Good

WARNING: If you are offended by the repetitive use of the word "motherf**ker" you've been given a heads up.

This shit is hilarious. Thanks to the Watsons, who have been sending me digital goodies like this one, helping me get through finals.


Carla said...

That was effing hilarious. I am such a good mom that I watched it with Boone in the room. I said "Don't say that word honey, its naughty" He says "Which word Mom, Heights?" Fabulous, that must mean we use the other one enough that he doesn't recognize it as bad???

Bexy said...

That's AWESOME! Yeah, as long as you don't signal to him that there's anything wrong with using the word, he probably won't think anything of it.

Down side, though: he ends up calling his classmates or worse, his teacher that name. That would be hilarious to me (and Mark too I'm sure), but to you and Josh, probably not so much? ha ha

Mark, Jessica, Jakob, Sarah, Lily and Kona said...

As soon as I saw this video, I said - "We have to send this to Rebecca", I knew you would love it! It is hysterical! You have to get onto that website and watch the outakes with Will Ferrell and Pearl (the 2 year old) it's so cute!
Luckily Pearl's parents have retired her for now, as she would probably start to repeat some really bad words or phrases ie "I'm buzzed right now".

Bexy said...

Oh man I LOVE this. there are so many good lines... I think the best is "I'm as entertainin' as a f**kin' STD"

Anonymous said...

I also like the line "My love life is average" and "I have low back pain" - it's too funny but also hits too close to home!!!