Monday, August 4, 2008

Remember the anthrax scare?

Glenn Greenwald of Salon has an interesting series of blog posts about the latest developments in the anthrax case.

There apparently is more than meets the eye (big surprise) and we may never know the truth about the anthrax thing. BTW, did you hear the first suspect was paid $6M in compensation from the government?

UPDATE:The Washington Post has an op-ed arguing against the guilt of Bruce Ivins. I'm sure the government just wants to wash its hands of this 7-year investigation, but as we know those "lone nut" theories don't tend to work.

BTW: No autopsy was done on Bruce Ivins, so we'll never know if he actually took an overdose of Tylenol or not. Testing his blood revealed the overdose, but not checking his stomach or intestinal tract to confirm he took pills (instead of say, being injected) leaves me suspicious. I thought autopsies were routine when someone is found dead?

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