Sunday, October 12, 2008


Is anyone else completely confused by Heroes this season?

It didn't help that I completely forgot the end of last season, and once I started to delve into the recap bin I remembered why. Last season, for the most part, sucked ass.

Season 3 is completely confusing, and not in the X-Files, "what the eff is going on" sort of way. There are too many characters and plot lines, which the writers (I think) are trying to help by having characters cross each other's paths in different ways.

But then you have this time travel business, combined with the characters being good in present day, evil in the future, or vice versa... it's nearly impossible to keep straight "when" the show is taking place, what the goal is in all of the back and forth between the present and future, and why we should even care about any one of them.

Honestly the only interesting character left is Sylar but the show made the decision to take away his hotness and his power and turn him into a stay-at-home dad with Noah Bennet-like horn-rimmed glasses. I knew my level of commitment to the show was weak when I didn't care who the mother was or that the kid died within 10 minutes of seeing him on screen. Then Sylar explodes in a nuclear-powered fit of rage, apparently killing 200,000 people and giving Nathan the justification he needed to start a nuclear war. WHAT THE FUCK?!?

And Peter... Oh Peter. He can look hot but for that seemingly stroke-induced problem with his mouth, but what is his point? He is saving the world? From what again? Apparently from giving regular joes the power to fly around NYC. What's the harm in that again?

And thank god for TiVo because I consistently fast-forward through all scenes involving Hiro and Ando (waste of film) and Matt Parkman (annoying telepathy guy who now lives in Suresh's apartment with Molly - but was on a vision quest in the desert - again, what the fuck?)...

So many problems, so little time to keep ranting about it...

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