Saturday, October 25, 2008

Switching gears

I really am trying to resist the clusterf@ck that is the election process, but as you can tell it's hard for me.

These are helping a little:


Amber said...

YOU ARE KILLING ME. Softly. With Kittens. My god, woman, your site should come with a warning label. Seriously.

And in other irresistible arenas, I'm off to Target in hopes that walking in at a quarter to closing means I'll only walk out with the ONE SINGLE THING I actually need there. Any wagers?

Bexy said...

Grrrrrl, I hope you make it out of there with only that one thing, but seriously, I'm not putting my money on that.

Amber said...

smart lady. didn't happen. at least i didn't buy any slave-labor clothing this time. ugh.

Dexter said...

OMG. Kitten porn. Yay!