Friday, October 24, 2008

Latest TV obsession: Mad Men

This show is fascinating... set in 1960 New York, the show is an unabashed portrayal of sexist, racist, womanizing, smoking boozehounds who work in the advertising business. Society is still all about 50s-era conformity, but it's starting to chip away. At times, its hard to watch, but I have to say, I'm riveted.

Here is a clip of the first few minutes of the first episode of season 1:

Wired has a couple of articles about the show, and there's a great video explaining the show, the Vanity Fair article accompanying such video, and an endorsement from the always-reliable Heather Havrilesky.

1 comment:

Carla said...

What was that comment I left earlier about great minds? We've netflixed the whole first season after watching one episode of Season Two. Josh loves it, constantly making snyde coments about Betsy knowing her place and such! He loves DD!