Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I want to believe...

...the X-Files sequel will be good. How could it be bad? I get to see it with some of my closest friends and fellow X-Philes! I can't freakin' wait to get up to PDX!

I saw this article about Scully and thought I'd send it along. Here's a little snippet, but the whole thing is good:

This weekend, she'll be bringing all those chops back to the role that made her, and that's good news. In an entertainment world where women are disappearing from multiplexes, where men bulk up as superheroes while women don't eat but sip pink drinks, we need to remember that there was once a very short heroine who hunted monsters and talked about Einstein, who kicked ass and questioned her faith, who went to work with a man she loved but didn't rip his shirt off over lunch, who didn't want to believe, but opened herself nonetheless to possibility. We need Scully back, even for a moment.

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