Saturday, July 12, 2008

I might break down and buy an iPhone

My birthday's this weekend (woo hoo!) and the 'Rents gave me a gift certificate to the Apple Store after hearing me go on and on, ad nauseum, about the beautious wonder that is the iPhone.

On my flight to Vegas a couple weeks ago I quizzed the guy next to me about his. How's the reception? Can you hear OK when speaking to someone? Do you pay a lot each month? What about the battery? All the answers were positive and he had no complaints.

Early reviews of the new iPhone are mixed, and I have to figure out if it's worth breaking my Verizon contract (god only knows what that entails), but goddam do I want one!

Btw, the birthday celebrations started yesterday... another gal I work with has a birthday this weekend so we went out for drinks and dinner after work.

Sadly, I got a migraine right in the middle of it so I had to leave early. I did take my meal to go and will be enjoying it later today (seared beef and blue cheese on butter lettuce with carmelized onions and pancetta - holy crap, so good).

Tonight I'm heading to Caffe Boa with some friends with an after-party of wine and movies at one of their houses. Yay! It will be great.

Sunday (my actual birthday) may entail more movie watching, either in the theater or at another friend's house. She just got new couches and has a huge, kick-ass television I've been dying to watch Death Proof on.

Then more celebrating with co-workers on Monday! We are going out to lunch and then drinks after work. The life of riley, truly.

PS: I think the migraine was brought on by:
hormones (that time of the month! Lovely.)
stress (I don't know if I'm on law journal yet, and I'm trying to do a extra-special good job at work this week and next)
too much caffeine (coffee and diet cokes all day, and no water: is that bad?)
fatigue (5-6 hours of sleep per night is not legit)


Amber said...

that is totally sucky about the migraine, sweets. I'm sorry! one more culprit on the causation list might have been the pancetta. Remember how Jeff (even before going veggie/kosher like the kook that he his) wouldn't ever eat sausages, bacon, or certain red wines because of the nitrites? They always gave him headaches!

Anyhoo, hope you are feeling better and that you have an incredible weekend of fun and frivolity. Can't wait to celebrate with you in two weeks!!!! Happy Birthday, love.

Amber said...

ps re: the i-phone. DON'T DO IT. I mean, you know, do what you want of course, but my two cents is don't do it. Just today there was this headline on "Glitches hamper i-phone launch"

and the battery thing is super lame (you'll be without a phone for at least a week when you need to send it back to get a new battery!) and they don't work in Iowa (true story!) and and and...

actually, the best reason is not to break your contract with Verizon. They are like the mafia with that shit.

And cherry-on-the-cake-of-don't-do-it-ness is that Josh will not be able to contain himself in the making-fun-of-you department and I will be powerless to stop him.

I kid, of course. (sort of). Think long and hard though - Apple is like the VW of the electronics world, is it not? - and then, after long contemplations: Go Bec Dawg, it's yer birthday, go go go go Bec Dawg.

Carla said...

You sound like a new mom, no sleep, too much caffeine, headaches...just kidding. But about the iphone! Its totally worth it, of course I didn't have to break a contract since we were already with AT&T. I am only a little bit bitter about getting one just before the new one came out. My Josh makes fun too, he says "Notice how you never say 'hand me my phone' anymore. Its always, 'hand me my iphone'".

Bexy said...

The iPhone is gorgeous and I know that any teasing from Joosh would be fueled by secret envy!

The guy on the plane said that the battery charge can run down quickly if he's playing video but when he uses it as a phone/web he said it's the same battery life as a regular cell phone.

The "glitch" was that the iTunes store was down and in order to activate your phone wirelessly you had to use iTunes. While it was down people had to activate it from their computers. I bet it's up now... I imagine the store was down due to user overload since the iphone went on sale in 22 countries at once!

Anonymous said...

Josh is making me post a retraction: I hereby rescind both the statement that he might make fun and the implication that Apple is the VW of the electronics world. These were, to quote The Josher, "Hater moves" though I beg to differ. Still, please believe me when I say that I absolutely totally and completely did not mean them as such in any way shape or form. And an iphone will look positively spectacular in your sweet and snazzy "I'm not really a waitress" polished fingers.

Bexy said...


First, I'm having a hard time processing Josh's use of the phrase "hater moves" but I likes it. I likes it a real lot.

I did think there was an anti-Apple edge to your comments, which are welcome. Apple can take it. Barring the lack of reception in Iowa, they are a work of true mechanical genius and as unnecessary as they might be, it's like TiVo: once you have it you can't imagine going back to something else.

After talking to that guy on the plane, and seeing what you can do with it, and it's beauty, I was sold. Excessive and unnecessary? Sure. But so are most things I buy - ha!