Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Life has been hectic... but fun!

I went to Portland this last weekend to visit some peeps. X-Files disappointed me, but The Dark Knight was amazing and emotionally taxing. I loved it!

I had a great time in P-town... got to drink several lovely drinks here, here, and here, plus a visit to the Farmer's Market and the Saturday Market.

Work has been going well. I've been trying to figure out how to summarize the experience without revealing where I work (it's best to keep some modicum of anonymity at this point). Working in a large law firm is great: the pay is good, the perks are awesome and the work is amazing. But even as a summer associate they work you. And with the social events they organize, you always have to be "on." It's more tiring than I expected but I'm not complaining, because that seems ridiculous. It's just that I think I need a vacation from my summer vacation, if you know what I mean?

I'm looking forward to being home this weekend and sleeping in... only one more week of work, then a trip to the VTA before school starts again! God, I'm not ready to be a student again. UGH

1 comment:

Mark, Jessica, Jakob, Sarah, Lily and Kona said...

I've been meaning to say that it was wonderful to see you and I hope you have a great week in Vta!
Miss you like crazy!