Thursday, September 25, 2008

Frightening, disturbing, ridiculous

Palin can't even get the talking points down and she makes even Katie Couric look like a smart, hard-hitting journalist.

Watch CBS Videos Online


SFKelly said...

My god, you are so right. This is making me grind my molars together. You know you're in trouble when Katie Couric's thought balloon says, "Bimbo!"

attitune said...

It's becoming more clear why Sarah's handlers are keeping her away from reporters and unscripted interviews. But we already knew that..

Think she'll cut-and-run on the VP debate, like McCain is threatening to do?

Bexy said...

I definitely think they are going to try and cut-and-run from the debates, especially the VP debate.

Of course, they will say its because they need to focus on the economic crisis even though neither one of them has done anything to prevent that crisis during their years (or days, as the case may be) in office.

I always thought that the election would be over when they show Obama next to McCain. He looks like a crypt keeper, I'm sorry.

And then the Palin-Biden debate? Holy crap, so bad it will be awesome.