Sunday, September 14, 2008

In case you've been under a rock...

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin and Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton:


Carla said...

Just watched this last night on Tivo, though I must say it was the only funny part of the whole show last Saturday! Watched Burn After Reading last night - funny but funniest parts were all in commercials!

Bexy said...

Carla: That sux about Burn After Reading - I was hoping the whole thing would be funny!

Suzie Q: I just heard today that Amy Poehler is leaving - that show sux so bad. Thank god I watched it on TiVo and I could just forward through what I knew would be unfunny and lame. They need to do something about that show... it's miserable. If I was famous I would not go on it - I wouldn't want to be forced to do unfunny, uncomfortable crap!