Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pet Peeve #592...

...Talking on your cell phone whilst peeing in a public restroom.

Now, I get that sometimes you are on a marathon phone call and nature calls and there's nothing you can do. But hopefully you are in the privacy of your own home and there's something more legit about it.

What I don't get is why the F anyone needs to initiate a phone call when they are in a public restroom, surrounded by sounds of flushing toilets and other things I won't mention.

What is so effing urgent that you can't wait until you are done? Is this a Generation Z thing? (By the way, are we on Generation Z now? I've lost track).


Mark Watson said...

Do you bring this up because you mistakenly thought someone talking on the phone was actually talking to you, causing you to awkwardly reply, which became even more awkward once you realized they weren't talking to you?

Bexy said...

Ha ha... it's funny you ask that. That happened once, and it was really awkward - and that's when the pet peeve started.

Now when I hear someone talk I don't say anything and sure enough they end up being on the phone.

PS: another thing I hate are those GD "ear cock" bluetooth things. I guess it's living in Berkeley for so long: I assume they are literally talking to themselves until proven otherwise.