Sunday, September 28, 2008

Why Palin gets under my skin

McCain could have asked several experienced women to be his running mate; women who share his conservative values but who have more experience, brains, and ability to string a coherent sentence together.

Nominating Palin is a slap in the face to all women - McCain's insistence that she is ready to be President is insulting. Who believes that?

By picking a woman who is essentially George Bush in drag (including lipstick!), he either hopes to hook up with her (Cindy is looking old) or he thinks "any woman will do."

I assume they will lose, but even so: by picking someone so awful, he potentially sends a message suggesting that women, generally, don't have the skills and experience to adequately do the job, which is far from true.


Mark, Jessica, Jakob, Sarah, Lily and Kona said...

My feelings exactly!

dakotasmommy said...

yeah well said rebecca.

Bexy said...

I want a great leader as President, and I believe both women and men can fill that role... that's why the first women in the role should be a great leader first, not just a token.

I'd still vote against a female candidate I disagreed with, but at least I would feel like it was a legitimate choice I'd have to make.