I highly recommend checking it out in the theater, while it's still around. While it hasn't fared well at the box office, I have to say, this double-feature is well worth the price of admission.
There are fake trailers before and between each film (which are hysterical in their ridiculousness and goriness) as well as fake ads and old school transitions (same as the "Feature Presentation" slide at the beginning of Kill Bill).
But on to the movies themselves:
Planet Terror is the first movie shown, and was directed by Robert Rodriguez. The plot: A chemical is released which turns a portion of the community into radioactive zombies. The action never stops and you laugh and cringe at the gore the whole way through it. Rose McGowan is AWESOME in her role as a go-go dancer full of disappointment and hell-bent on revenge (seriously, these movies are making me talk this way for real!):

Freddy Rodriguez (Rico from Six Feet Under, Josh Brolin, Bruce Willis and Naveen Andrews all play twisted characters.
Death Proof is the second movie in the double-feature. The plot: A stuntman drives a "death-proof" car and he purposely gets into car crashes in order to kill women. Kurt Russell stars along with several recognizable faces, including Rosario Dawson. The first part of the movie seemed slow - granted; we had just gotten off the bender that was Planet Terror so it was hard to shift down a gear (sorry for the pun). The movie has classic Quentin Tarantino dialogue, except this time you mostly watch groups of women talk about random crap.

But hang in there, because the last 1/3 of the movie was sooo good. It involves a car chase that is so unbelievable and awesome, you'll be so glad you saw it.
Lastly, a competition was held at SXSW to come up with the best "Grindhouse-like" trailer, which would be played during Robert Rodriguez's presentation at the conference. You have to check out the winning trailer: "Hobo with a Shotgun".
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