It's nice to see how all of us have matured and evolved since the time we worked at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, and then to watch that growth devolve as those same individuals start downing Bud Light.

The guests of honor, Jessica and Mark. They left baby Jakob with the grandparents that evening!

Carmen and Michael. Michael has a deadly sense of humor, and Carmen is the sweetest gal ever.

Julie and her cutie-pie son, Blake. Julie and her husband Jeremy (pictured below) used to live down the street from Mark and Jess. Jeremy hunts mullets, meaning, he approaches people who are sporting mullets and asks if he can take their picture. He has quite a collection now!

Mark and Seth, friends since grade school and also Coffee Bean alumni.

Teabagger Ted. He and his wife Loretta (not pictured, since she was slaving away in the kitchen cooking a 7-course meal for all of us!) hosted the party. If my high school spanish is right, I think his t-shirt is describing the various sports played during "Beer Olympics." Oh, Ted. Ted is our "Frank the Tank".

Erin (Evan's wife) and Mark, mid-drunken-convo. Erin is hysterical... she's like Cheri Oteri but funnier. I wanted to get video of her, but maybe next time.

That's Seth, Mark, Michael, Evan, Jeremy, Jon (in red, barely visible), and Ted, late in the evening.
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