As I mentioned in my last post, I'm in L.A. this week - and my hotel is great! These are pics of my room.
Nerd alert: I also discovered that I'm across the street from the "Credit Dauphine" building, the fictional bank that Sydney Bristow worked at in Alias. Here is a pic:
That bed is heaven. All four hours I slept in it after our turn around the spinning lounge, anyway. I'm sorry I ruined your second day of class, Bex. I promise to be better when you go to real law school. (for some reason "I'm going to Army, Mother" from Arrested Development just popped into my head... "I'm going to real law school, mother"). Again, no, not drinking right now. Just naturally odd, I suppose.
Mark got me started on 30 Rock. I was miraculously able to hook Josh in during his shoulder surgery downtime (he takes a while to warm to new things on TV, unless they are sci-fi ish or adventure-y like Heroes and BSG, etc). Anyway, I think you will love it. And the eps are short, so you should be able to finish the full season before RLS at ASU starts.
Wow, that bed looks sweeeeeet! Enjoy!
whatchu doing in L.A.? the whole tribe (that is, Dexter, Suzie and I) will be down there for 4th o' July.
Hey, do you watch 30 rock?
Ren! The bed was AWESOME!! i have to say, for the little sleep I did get, it was a great sleep!
Hey Ramon!! I was down there for a "law preview" class. 6 days of law school prep! exciting! no, it was great. I'm exhausted tho now!
I hope to see you guys when you are in town for the 4th!!
Oh! and 30 Rock is on the queue. the little bits I saw of it are HILARIOUS.
That bed is heaven. All four hours I slept in it after our turn around the spinning lounge, anyway. I'm sorry I ruined your second day of class, Bex. I promise to be better when you go to real law school. (for some reason "I'm going to Army, Mother" from Arrested Development just popped into my head... "I'm going to real law school, mother"). Again, no, not drinking right now. Just naturally odd, I suppose.
Mark got me started on 30 Rock. I was miraculously able to hook Josh in during his shoulder surgery downtime (he takes a while to warm to new things on TV, unless they are sci-fi ish or adventure-y like Heroes and BSG, etc). Anyway, I think you will love it. And the eps are short, so you should be able to finish the full season before RLS at ASU starts.
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