Thursday, August 2, 2007

Franky is settling in.

I'm still working on setting everything up, and thank sweet baby jesus my parents are here to help! So, in the meantime, I only have this pic to share with you. Franky decided to lounge on my bookshelf right after I put the shelves in. I'm glad the bookshelf didn't tip over!

PS: He DESPISES that little yellow frog toy below him. I think he sometimes thinks it's an animal vying for my attention or something?

PPS: Mark named that frog "Froget" (pronounced 'fro-jay'). Mark decided one day, many moons ago, that the frog was french.


Anonymous said...

This picture is KILLING ME (you kill me a lot on this blog, Bex). I love the look on Franky's face, his languid posture, the "I rule all that I see before me/kneel in my presence lowly human" attitude. It's so funny that Franky hates Froget. (I think we may have just hit on a hilarious children's book, by the way). I love Froget. And I especially love the image of Mark dancing with Froget, alone, when he thought no one was watching, and trying to make Froget stand up on his hand in some weird little deft maneuver where he flicked his wrist and got the bean bag frog to balance just so. Ah, the good old days when minutes (nay, hours!) could be wasted on such pleasures, between guzzling straight iced espresso and devouring five day old crumbling muffins in efforts of staving off poverty (and possibly student variety starvation) with free (nasty) fare.

Also love the AC/Michael Lambert salt and pepper shakers on the desk. Very cute, very homey. Can't wait to see photos of the new pad all set up! And horray for MR and PR helping. It's going to be crazy when they head out and you and Franks are just sittin there lookin at each other with the same "What just happened/Where are we?" look on your faces. It's all very exciting!

kreichs said...

Frankie, the feline bookend! Of course, he's only propping up one book, but hey.


Bexy said...

OMG - Franky as smug bookend! He is too hilarious. I'm so glad he's settling in, finding all of his little nooks and crannies to lounge in. Phew!

I'm almost all set up here in the new pad. I have a new couch! Holy crap, it's comfy. Pics soon! xo