Friday, September 7, 2007

3:10 to Yuma!

I loved this movie! I'm not one for westerns - they never interested me. But I love Christian Bale and Russell Crowe (Bale, more, given his incredible range - anyone who can pull off American Psycho, The Machinist, and Batman in one career is impressive in my book).

Both of them are so good in this film... it's suspenseful and emotional (maybe I'm just emotional these days?) and the cast is great:

Peter Fonda
Ben Foster (one of Claire's creepy boyfriends on Six Feet Under)
Luke Wilson, who was probably phoning it in, admittedly
Alan Tudyk (Wash from Firefly)
Gretchen Mol...

Anyhoo, the trailer's here. Life was really hard for those early Arizonans.


Lise Johnston said...

Time for movies while in law school? I'll definitely have to reapply to ASU next year.

Bexy said...

Seriously... and given your group number we would have had three of the same classes!! - All with professors who try and keep our reading assignments small! I feel really lucky...