Saturday, September 1, 2007

Things that are helping me

Hey everyone...

So, while law school is tough, and there's a lot of reading, and the concepts are sometimes hard to grasp (nevermind remember, case-to-case), I'm trying to be zen. I have to - I don't want to end up getting sick or getting migraines. Some of you know about my ordeals with migraines!

Here are some things that I'm sooooo happy exist in my world:

1) Friends and family, of course!!
2) Peet's coffee
3) Blogging - both my own and reading other blogs!
4) Podcasts - especially downtempo podcasts!!!!
------ Cary's Podcasts
------ Dave's Lounge
------ Morning Becomes Eclectic
------ Tempo of the Down
------ Soilsound Chronicles
5) Defamer
6) Heather Havrilesky specifically, and Salon generally
7) TiVo & Netflix
8) Food Network
9) Cheap Southwest flights from Phoenix to Burbank
10) Air conditioning.

I'm sure there's more... but really, with all of this life is pretty damn good.

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