Wednesday, October 24, 2007

24: Day 7 Trailer tomorrow

Hey y'all - the trailer for season 7 hits the interwebs tomorrow at 10am (Pacific)!

I believe we're going to see Jack (of course), Chloe and Soul Patch. I'm going to assume with Zombie Almeida back in the mix, this new season should be better than the last. Can't wait!


Amber said...

But what happens if Keeeeeef goes away for the Doo-ey? Maybe Zombie Tone will take over?

I"ve had two GT's Berkeley-style by the way, which will hopefully 'splain a lot. We toasted you, by the way. These are YOUR GT's, ain't no doubt.

Bexy said...

Maybe it's the GTs talking, but I wasn't sure what the "Doo-ey" is - ha ha!

I toast both of you as well - with my pint glass full of water of course. Oh, the glorious days of pint-sized GTs with fresh tonic and lime. Lovely.

Anonymous said...

Doo-ey = DUI. Sorry, doll, it's Oregon speak creeping into the drunkenness. No one says Dee You Eye, they say Do-ee. They are all obnoxious, and now I am they, apparently. Sigh.