Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Free Love on the Freelove Freeway

I might be losing my mind, but I needed a Ricky Gervais fix tonight. My two favorite scenes from The Office (British version) are here and here. Well, I should say, this is my true favorite.


Amber said...

So I completely forgot that Joosh had not seen the UK Gervais version of Office and started singing (if you can call it that) "Free love on the freelove freeway" and if only you could have seen the look he gave me, man, I wish I had a spy cam/Vinnie-from-Neptue camera pen!

Bexy said...

Please tell me Joosh has at the very least seen the US version? These shows are so good they are required for the soul.

Anonymous said...

He loves the US version. But I only got him to watch it when he was bedridden after surgery in February and forced him to watch season 1 with me - he was too weak and doped up to struggle or argue. Luckily he was able to squirm through the initial pain and discomfort (Michael making Oscar kiss him? Hurt so good) in a daze of oxycontin, and then the pure genius of the show shined through and it stuck. I live for this one.
ps- there was a very sweet interview with Steve Carrel on Fresh Air with Terry Gross this week. I'm sure there's a podcast out there if you have some time to check it out.