Friday, July 13, 2007

Two Buck Chuck wins at competition

Bizarro: The $2 Charles Shaw wine you get at Trader Joe's was entered into some wine tasting competition... and won!

Too funny... and on a personal note: I think of it as "two-buck up-chuck" after one evening several years ago, when a fellow bachelorette drank too much of said wine, then vomited it all over me and a few other people in the back of a limo. Since she drank the stuff on an empty stomach, I'm happy to report that the vomit was all liquid (no chunks!). And, the smell wasn't as bad as you would imagine - so I should have known that the low-brow swill would one day have its day in the sun!

(This is just a little teaser until I post my Happy Hour Friday later today! XO)


Amber said...

Oh Bexy, even on YOUR BIRTHDAY, when by all rights you are allowed to take a day off from bloggin, you make me laugh out loud. Happy Birthday, Doll. Can't wait to see your Happy Birthday Happy Hour post. (If it's before 7pm I can actually go out in this booze-forsaken state and buy the ingredients!). I will toast to your fabulousness later tonight, on this lovely and important Friday the 13th.

Bexy said...

Amby, I knew the bachelorette vomit story would get you to post!! I'm giggling right now. And I promise to have my drink recipe up before 7 tonight. It involves pomegranate juice, sapphire and citrus. woo hoo!!


Amber said...

Oh well hells bells, honey, if it involves Saphire, there ain't no need for me to rush off to the store! 7pm deadline crisis averted.

And you know I will never be able to walk into Trader Joes again without sing-songing the phrase "Two Buck Up Chuck" through my brain.