Friday, May 4, 2007

Britney on Stage: A Defamer Summary

God bless the fine peeps at Defamer:
Britney Spears played the Sunset Strip House of Blues last night, the final stop of a comeback trifecta in which Southern Californian fans were given the opportunity to pay $125 for 12 electrifying minutes of high-impact strippercising set to a handful of oldies, flawlessly lipsynched except where the chewing of gum necessitated dropping the occasional lyric.


Unknown said...

rumor has it that Britney will be playing at the Red Devil Lounge in SF on Monday night. What are the chances?

Amber said...

I really love that she followed up her re-debut by re-debuting her tits in a demure garden-by-the-beach setting with tiny precious flowers covering her nips. What in the hell?? Girl, you're a mama now, start acting like it! (no offense to any topless moms in the audience here at Bextravagant).