Thursday, May 31, 2007

Long time no write!

Oh man, I've been so distracted with Arizona-related stuff that I haven't been able to keep you appraised of the latest random tidbits I find on the InterWebs. My apologies!

To kick things off: an On The Lot update. So, after writing about this show last week, I've continued to watch it and I find it tedious and boring. Apparently, others agree and Fox will be re-editing the shows so that they air once a week.

Thank sweet baby jesus. I think they had three episodes last week including a 2-hour doozy (sp?) on Memorial Day where they showcased 18 one-minute shorts. How did they stretch 18 minutes into two hours? Let me tell you. The play the damn film, then there's several minutes where the three judges (Carrie Fisher, Garry Marshall, and D.J. Caruso this week) all basically agree with each other on either how great the thing was or how disappointed they were. Then, there's small-talk with the host, who’s almost as detestable as Ryan Seacrest except she's female, boobs-out, and brunette, with Aniston-like hand gestures and a face like Scarlett Johanson ("ScoJo", as I like to call her). I'll still watch the show though. I mean, what am I going to do without new episodes of 24, Lost, or The Office to keep me busy? Read a book?

Speaking of books, I actually am reading a few of them. I picked up a copy of Then We Came to the End and it's as good as the excerpt I shared with y'all. I'm not done yet but so far, it's been worth the purchase.

In other book reading news, I'm in the middle of Law School Insider and Planet Law School and am about to jump right into Glannon's Civil Procedure book. I know you are envious!

Next up: I found an old interview with David Lynch on Salon. For those of you concerned, you can click through the ad to get a free pass to Salon. Enjoy. Salon is awesome.

Finally, I thought I'd mention some movies I want to see in case anyone has checked them out already. Waitress looks good despite the short trailers they run on TV (and who wouldn't mind seeing some more Mal? Actually, I'd like some more Jayne.); Away From Her is getting a lot of buzz and Paris Je T'aime is on top of my list. This film is actually a collection of shorts, one of which stars Elijah Wood. (That last link was a little shout out to Suzie Q!)

Bye for now!

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