Tuesday, May 1, 2007

X-Files 2

OK, so for years now there have been rumors circulating that there will be a sequel to the X-Files movie, that all parties are on board... Recently, some cynics have theorized that Mulder and Scully bring up this potential project only around the time that they are promoting their other projects. That they are lying about the project and using it as a ploy to get attention. I hope not.

But there are also a lot of rumors about how much they disliked each other on the set, and how they hated the experience, etc. Scully recently posted a message on her website addressing this, and made an interesting comment (please note the text I bolded and italicized below:
The series went on for a long time - longer than any of us had anticipated or some of us had wished. It was the hardest work I will ever do in my life. I hope for the sake of my children and my sanity that I never have to work that hard again.

Did I hate it? At times yes.

Did I love it? At times yes.

Did I regret it or do I regret it now? Not for a second.

Did David and I hate each other? At times yes like any brother and sister, husband and wife, co-worker and co-worker forced to spend that much time together under such strenuous circumstances.

Do we hate each other now? Not in the least.

Do I imagine that when we do the film together we won't hate each other for a few hours during the filming? No. We will. Vehemently. As David waits patiently, again and again for the hair dryer to calm my frizzy hair between takes so it matches the beginning of the scene... he will undoubtedly be thinking "what the hell was I thinking agreeing to shoot with her f****** frizzy hair again?"

But we will also love each other and laugh with each other and pull pranks on each other and bug each other like we did for nine years.

And that's that.

If this thing ever hits theaters, we will have to all meet up in some city and see it together, yes?

1 comment:

Amber said...

I meant to tell you about David Duchovny being on The Treatment on KCRW sometime last week and talking about TXF2 as if it's already in progress. Listen here: http://www.kcrw.com/etc/programs/tt/tt070425david_duchovny

Can I just say that I don't dig the beard? At all. I also miss the gray tee days of the Duchov. He's, I don't know, just kinda boring now. Still, I'm faithful (not so faithful as to watch the crappy movie with Robin Williams from sometime last year, with the kid with the jewfro... do you know what I am talking about? Anybody see this one?) and I will love Mulder until the end of time. (But of course I love Scully more).