Friday, May 4, 2007

More on Pop Culture: Lost

From the highly respectable media outlet E! Online I read today that ABC will be announcing an end date for Lost, possibly in the next few days.

Despite the challenges of a new time slot, a lengthy break over the holidays, and a somewhat-slow season, I still really enjoy this show. The last several episodes have been awesome (no spoilers, I promise) and knowing that it's coming to an end is a good thing for the storyline.

"They" estimate that there will only be two more seasons... which could mean it might end on the 108th episode...

UPDATE (Monday, 5/6): There will be three more seasons of 16 episodes each, which mean a total of 119 episodes, and each season will run consecutively (a la 24) with no breaks or repeats.


Dexter said...

LOST is dead to me. I started with it from the pilot and have been loyal until a few weeks ago when I just couldn't stand it any longer. We have officially quit watching, we've even taken LOST off the DVR list and you know that's serious. But now that I know there's an end in sight, I feel kind of bad... oh well.

Bexy said...

I hear you - I was really lukewarm to this season for a while there. I watched it out of obgliation (like 24) instead of a real interest in what would happen.

I don't know if you missed the last two episodes, but they definitely got me hooked again. I really hope they don't pull some stupid explanation of the whole thing at the end of the series - that would blow.

Amber said...

HEH. Lost was was dead to me too. I was soooo angry at the Hurley-drives-the-frickin-VW-bus episode (on top of so many other betrayals, like when Bex told me that the creators had admitted in an interview that they didn't have everything all figured out, and that the numbers had "taken on a life of their own" ugh people PLEASE!) but then Mark said that there had been some better eps recently, so I got caught up again. While I'm no longer riveted, I can appreciate that they just might be headed somewhere that I can still appreciate. Defamer says it best though: "Lost writers have just 48 more episodes to figure out what the hell is going on". Word.