Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My obligatory post about 24

OK, so I'm a huge fan of this show, and I absolutely loved the 5th season (maybe it was my favorite). Despite my better judgment, and the fact that I don't buy into the fear b.s. that the government tries to sell us all the time, this show is still highly entertaining and Jack Bauer is a total badass.

But the current season totally blows. It's so sad. I thought the 3rd season with Boobs Bauer caught in a bear trap was bad, but by far the 6th season is the worst.

Here's a suggestion from a poster on Ain't it Cool News (the typos are his):
by LordEnigma
This would be the only thing to fix this season. We cant even get more than three episodes of hip and happenin JACK SACK ACTION! Something big has to happen this season because it comes across as all SET-UP! This whole f*****g year is a set-up to something else. What could it f*****g be? What the f**k else could this show pull out of it's ass? Nevertheless, the writers of this show better be happy that everyone has decided to kick LOST around this year. If not, then, they would have to deal with people giving them sh*t for 24 episodes of F*****G EXPOSITION!

Here, here, brother!

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